Friday, 13 May 2011


That was a long, dark 16 hours.  Blogger went loco apparently, but now all is well with the universe.

The only casualty of all this is my 'toilet tag' entry, so you'll just have to ask your friends to explain that one if it ever comes up in conversation.  And it will.

[May 15--that's soooo weird.  Toilet Tag entry has mysteriously re-appeared.  Huzzah!]

Last night we were having an in-depth discussion about the Princess Bride.  S mentioned that she didn't like it when 'the guy who turned out to be Wesley was fighting with that big animal.'

E: You mean the RSVPs?  The rats of unusual size?

You know what? Considering she's only seen the movie once, I'll give her a pass on that one.

And then later on in the evening S had her regularly-scheduled nightmare.  I heard her stirring and whimpering via the monitor, so I hoofed it upstairs.  By the time I got to their room (10 seconds, tops), S was STANDING ON K'S BED.  She was standing there, blathering away about something, and K was still fast asleep.  Thank God. Can you imagine waking up to that?  Luckily S wasn't sleeping with her new hockey mask and chain saw last night.

OH, and K is having issues with bees, because she got stung last fall and so she has spent the entire winter fretting about when the bees will come back.  So she was getting herself all wound up about it the other day, and I said "For God's sake K, what do you want me to do--put you in a giant plastic bubble?"

K:  (earnestly/excitedly) I would LOVE that.

Her sisters convinced her this was a bad idea, though, because she would get too hot if she sat in the sun for too long. So they can apply logic to ridiculous scenarios like that, but if their socks 'feel weird' they can't figure out that they should just get some different socks?  Life's mysteries....

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