Monday, 2 May 2011

First parenting choice of the day

This morning I was throwing in a load of laundry when my daughter came into the laundry room. She pointed at a pair of my undies, asked a question, and I was faced with the prospect of explaining menstruation to a 6-year-old at 7 o'clock on a Monday morning, or letting her continue to believe (as she had immediately supposed) that I had sharted.

Starting off the week in a no-win situation like this does not fill me with optimism. But it does make me laugh.  Which is important, considering it is the first week of my 40th year (sure I'm only 39, but you don't get awarded the title of 40-year-old until you have actually completed that lap) and my sixth week of unemployment.

"Aha!" you think. "That explains the whole 'creating a blog' thing."

Well, yes, it does.  And stop being so smug.


  1. But I like being smug. It's what I do best.

  2. My eye brows went way up on this one..and by the end I nearly peed my pants laughing..keep qoing..
