Friday, 30 March 2012

Now I'm torn

I can't decide which is a worse way to start the day:

Spider in the shower or Mouse turd on the desk

I mean, both are gross and alarming...but with spider in the shower you're all naked and vulnerable.

Then again, with mouse turd on the desk, you don't want to touch anything else, and you're creeped out for the rest of the day. And you spend the day searching every corner of the office for any other signs of mouse turds. And you keep flashing back to the time you ate sunflower seeds in a bag at your old desk, and then AFTERWARDS you noticed that the bottom of the bag was all chewed up.

But anyhow, full points to the mouse for having a sense of humour -- it left the turd on my mouse pad.


  1. Mouse poop on a mouse pad?

    Don't buy a plumbing snake then. Or a saw horse.

  2. Ah, Sterling Dad--this stuff is GOLD!

  3. Dude. Seriously this morning, spider ON my toothbrush. In the bristles. Now in the garbage.

  4. NOOOOOOO! There'd be a 'for sale' sign on the lawn an hour later.
