Sunday, 25 March 2012

And then just like that...

I know this is too much information, so gentlemen, feel free to stop reading right now...

But I also wonder if this is one of those universal truths that no one talks about until it happens--like when you get pregnant and you get carpal tunnel or your gums bleed, and people say, "Oh yeah, that happens to everyone."

So, I was looking in the mirror at work the other day (the same one that revealed the Eugene Levy eyebrows and Dorothy Hamill hair cut, so clearly I should avoid this mirror) and I suddenly realized that my boobs are old.

They're just looking really...tired. Probably from all the travelling south that they've been doing.

1 comment:

  1. Well... you DO have triplets! Did you breastfeed? Because if you did, I'm surprised they're not down at your knees! This is one reason I'm glad mine are small - they'll stay "young" looking longer. Can you imagine the effect that gravity is going to have on Pamela Anderson??
