Sunday, 4 March 2012

It's not always the schoolyard

In the last little while, I've noticed the girls throwing some new phrases into their conversations...

<CRASH>  "My bad!"

"And she was was really bugging me and she was all up in my face..."

I assume these are being picked up from the other kids.

But last night...

I was hunkered down in the spare bedroom with E because she had some kind of tubercular cough going on that was going to keep everyone up all night. Everyone was in the room with us before bedtime, playing, reading the 2003 Guiness Book Of World Records, the usual...

It should be noted that the bed in this room, where my mum stays when she's visiting, is a four post bed.

K was swinging around on one of the posts, and announced:

"Look at me! I'm a pole dancer!"

DH and I played it cool, and I casually asked her where she heard that expression.

"From Grandma! The last time she stayed here S was playing on this and Grandma said 'Tell your mom you're going to be a pole dancer when you grow up!'"

So, in my defence, lapses of judgement are clearly a genetic issue for me.

1 comment:

  1. i can, very clearly in my mind, hear your mother's voice saying that.
