Friday, 23 March 2012

No, seriously, I'm embarrassing

We were heading out the door--to go to Mac's to get some all syrup Super Squishees, mind you--and I got:

"You're not wearing THAT are you?"

For the record, I was wearing what I wore to work that day. They felt I was "too fancy."

I tried to tell them the important wisdom that my mother once told me: you can never look too good. But they weren't buying it.

However, when they were all raring to go and I said 'Well, wait a minute, I have to go get changed' they were suddenly okay with my attire--as long as I wore flip flops with it.

And now I can't decide who was more embarrassed -- them or me.

1 comment:

  1. Work on embarrassing them. By the time they are tweens, you will be able to embarrass just by being around.
