Thursday, 28 February 2013

Seinfeld was right

Have you ever just completely forgotten how to do something that you've done a thousand times?

I went to see my Massage Therapist the other night.

I disrobed, turned towards the table, and suddenly couldn't figure out how to mount it.

So for some reason I kind of got up on my knees, but then I realized I needed to get my feet up and under me, so then I brought them up, and then I was kind of perched on the table, like a novice surfer.

And I suddenly thought of the Seinfeld episode where they discuss the difference between good naked and bad naked.

This was definitely bad naked.


  1. I dunno...the internet has taught us that there is always someone who will appreciate any KIND of naked you want to offer.

  2. Haha, very true, Therese! Very true! But what a website that would be...

  3. Found you on Finding the Funny. I know which Seinfeld you are talking about! Love it!!
    Visit me @ Bad Word Mama :)


    1. Hi Ellen! Thanks for stopping by! And for checking out a site all the way down in the '80's on the list! :-) Can't wait to check out yours!

  4. Visiting from Finding the Funny! I bet that massage therapist has seen it all! At least you got a massage, right?

    1. Hi Katy! True, any stress I had from possibly falling off the table immediately got massaged away...

  5. Mrs. C - I'm nominated you and your blog the Liebster Award. Please stop by my site for all the rules and to pick up your award.

  6. Thanks Ellen, you're very kind!
