Sunday, 3 July 2011

Slack. Er.

Even though the days of the week have lost all meaning to me, I chose to fully embrace the long weekend work ethic and skipped writing for a couple of days.

It's not like I was doing anything else, though. In fact, I was doing a whole lotta nothing. The girls went on an epic play date yesterday, which started at 11:30 and ended when they returned home at 7:30.

At first we were as giddy as school children--I got to go grocery shopping by myself, DH finished cleaning the garage...then we sat out in the lovely afternoon sun and drank beer and listened to music, hanging out, chatting, just like the olden days...then we listened to some more music...had another beer...

Eventually DH got up and wandered aimlessly for a minute, then returned to the patio and said "I don't know what to do with myself."

Truly, without anyone to chase around, arguments to break up, death-defying feats to abort, or general nagging to be done...we were pretty bored.


In other news, DH just came in and announced that he tried to do a 'bounce the basketball between his legs' move, didn't go well.

K came in, and I said "Pop just had an AFV moment, huh?"

DH walked by her and she looked at him semi-sympathetically.

Me: "It's not as funny when it happens in real life, is it..."

DH passed K then, at which point K looked at me and smiled, as if to say 'No, it was TOTALLY just as funny...'

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