Sunday, 17 July 2011

Pardon me?

We went to a lovely wedding at a golf club in Dorchester yesterday. Through a happy coincidence, two of the people at our table are former co-workers from my Cineplex Odeon days! I love it when the universe does stuff like that.

After a really good dinner, we got into the speech portion of the evening.

The best man got up and started to tell some entertaining stories about growing up with the groom.

"And then there was this one time, when I was driving to school, and I got into an accident (which was caused by black guys)..."

I'm sorry, what?

I look around, no one seems to be reacting...

"And then the school bus went by, and Scott leaned out the window and yelled -- "

At this point I'm having a heart attack, wondering what the 'punch line' to this story is going to be.

" -- Ha ha, look at Steve's car!"

And then the evening went on as usual. No reactions, no one seemed shocked by this speech.

It wasn't until an hour or so later that I finally got a chance to lean over to my sister and say, "What was up with that story?"

"What story?"

"The one about the car accident....and the 'black guys'!"


"Black ICE. The accident was caused by black ICE."

I'm such a goober.