Friday, 12 October 2012

Break out the rosaries

I have mentioned before that there are a few things I don't do/haven't done which prevent me from feeling like I'm actually a grown up:
  • wearing makeup
  • drinking coffee
  • driving on a 400 series highway
Well, buckle up kiddies, because tomorrow I'm driving to (North of) Toronto!

You have to know that only a monumental occasion would merit such an event.

Like going to see the Go-Go's with A at CasinoRama.

The driving fast and straight part doesn't stress me out, it's the merging that kind of makes me want to vomit in terror. I'll be screaming 'let me in let me in let me in let me in' in the exact same tone as Marge screaming 'let me off' in the clip below:

But I'm embracing the whole experience. Because frankly, I've just let this go on too long and it's become too big of a deal.

So say a rosary for me as I head out tomorrow morning. 

I'm considering putting on a full face of drag queen makeup and grabbing extra large triple triple and just getting it all over with at once.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember - everyone on the road is a moron and they're out to kill you. Keep that in mind any you'll be fine! Especially after a triple-triple!
