Thursday, 25 October 2012

Bad ways to start the day

  1. Doing the Jillian Michaels thing. I mean, it's a good thing, but I hate every minute of it.
  2. Reading an email title from Chatelaine as "Best fish faces" and thinking 'what the heck is a fish face?' Then re-reading the email an hour later and realizing that it is actually an article about the "best fish tacos" which makes more sense. Not a LOT more sense, but more. This means that my eyes are totally crapping out on me. The other day I read a line as 'cinnamon mistakes that people make.' Now, I've misread many a recipe, and probably have made a few cinnamon mistakes in my life, but this title actually said 'common mistakes that people make.' Like refusing to admit that they need to wear their glasses all the time now.
  3. Having a Meat Loaf song inexplicably stuck in my head. And it's not even Paradise By The Dashboard Light. It's "You took the words right out of my mouth. It must've been when you were kissing me." So not only is it a really terrible song, but it's a lyric that actually makes me want to vomit.

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