Tuesday, 27 October 2015

I'm just a really great influence, basically

Today we marked our seventh celebration of an annual tradition - the Picture Day Meltdown.

We did get out the door fully dressed, but there had been much yelling, some tears, and I was in a full-body sweat by the time I got in the car.

After school, one of the girls passionately declared: "Mummy! When I get older and live on my own, every day when I get home I'm going to whip off my pants and sit on the couch and watch TV."

I'm sure a Tiger Mother would have something to say about that, but I just thought "Damn, that sounds like a good life goal."

But the good news is, tonight I went to the gym for the first time in months!

Right after I ate four slices of pizza for dinner.

I was going to type 'thin crust pizza' in that sentence AS IF THAT FREAKING MATTERS.

So I ate the pizza, and shortly after, as one is wont to do in that situation, I cut some heat.

DH: "Did you just fart?"

Me: "Yes. It's.....not good."

DH: "It's not going to be good for the other people at the gym, that's for sure."

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