Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Parental Guidance

I've been out at rehearsals lately, so the girls have been spending some quality time watching TV with DH. So luckily I missed these two conversations.

1) DH got hooked on a show called Naked and Afraid. There was a marathon on, or something. If you're not familiar with it - this is a show where strangers are dropped in some remote location - naked - and they have to survive for some ridiculously long period of time. Also, DH couldn't recall if there is money on the line. People would do this for kicks?? Anyhow, the important thing to note here is that everyone is naked, but their private bits are blurred out.

So, they were watching an episode with a guy who, in DH's words "must've had a gigantic package" because S finally had to ask, "Pop, why do they keep blurring out that guy's butt?"

2) DH and E were watching a show on Discovery last night, and a commercial came on. They watched in silence, and at the end she said, "Pop, I don't understand - why is that boy getting a car, and what's Cialis?"

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