Tuesday, 4 February 2014

I'm such a hypocrite

The girls were talking about a boy in their class who was being rude and grumpy and swearing at school the other day.

Me: Well, maybe he hears that kind of stuff at home, so....

E: Well so do we!! We just don't repeat it!!


Speaking of swearing, I've mentioned before that they gave me a heart attack one day when they said someone at school had used the C word.  (Turned out the kid had said, 'Crap.')

Yesterday they reported that someone used the F word!

Me: Really? The F word??

E: Yes, you know. The F - R word....

I couldn't actually determine if it was "frig" or "freakin'", because she wouldn't repeat it.

I guess this means that they think everything I say is a swear word, so they just don't repeat anything?

Not even "fudge knuckle" or "mother of pearl"? I feel like I'm making up these substitutes for nothing, now.

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