Sunday, 26 January 2014

Yes...*that's* what we were wondering

What are we eating that's giving us weird dreams? (Besides the haggis last night?)

E came in sleep walking the other night, and stood by my bed, holding up a stuffed animal, saying, "It's okay - I've got the rooster!"

DH had a dream that our friends, the Bad Influence Neighbours (B.I.N.s) were mad at him for breaking one of their priceless cement laundry tubs.

And then he had another dream that sounded awful. You could tell he was still upset by it when he was telling us about it the next morning.

They were all climbing a mountain (I wasn't there - even in dreams he must know I'd sit that one out) and E fell. He was describing in great detail how he saw her start to fall, and he couldn't get to her, and she went off the ledge...

And then K interjected:

"Wait a minute. Was I wearing a hat?"

So our brains do weird things while we're sleeping. K's does weird things while she's awake.

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