Tuesday, 19 March 2013

I've cracked the code

By now you've probably picked up on the fact that one of the girls is an insanely picky eater.

The frustrating part (well, one of 742 frustrating parts) is that this is a case of the chickens coming home to roost, as I was a nightmare picky eater when I was a child. (Full disclosure: I'm still a pretty big pain in the butt about it.)

But she is also the same child who has dipped her cheddar goldfish crackers in vanilla icing, and her french fries in cream soda.

And at lunch the other day, she ate a peanut butter and Dorito sandwich.

So I think I've been going about this all wrong.

I've been trying to feed her NON disgusting food combinations.


  1. Putting the doritos ON the sandwich is just a shortcut to eating them WITH the sandwich. I think she's developing a refined palate.

  2. True! Maybe she'll grow up to be a famous fusion-style chef!! I won't eat at her restaurant, though...
