Sunday, 16 September 2012

Time warp?

This is weird.

Last week, I saw not one, not two, but THREE dudes sporting a 90's long hair look.  Like this guy:

Not Gord, or the other pouffy haired guys, but the one on the right. The one who, I believe, has stuck with that hair style through thick and thin and the subsequent passing of two decades, god bless 'im.

This weekend I saw a dude who was so clearly in the '80's, it was amazing. If I could've figured out a way to inconspicuously take his picture with my phone I would've. Scratch that. If I could've figured out a way to take his picture with my phone, period.

Suffice it to say, he had hair like this:

Glasses like this (INSIDE the mall, natch):
And I'm pretty sure he was wearing this shirt:
But here's the kicker:

He was too young to be 'stuck' in the '80's. He had clearly just embraced the '80's. Wholeheartedly.

So, I don't know what's going on, but if I see a dude looking like this next weekend, I'll know that something's up:

Something AWESOME.

1 comment:

  1. Sweeeet!! Kinda like how I used to sport the Janis Joplin look from the 60's when I was in highschool in the 90's. Nothing new - ha!
