Remember that show? The "cooking show" that was an interstitial during movies shown on TBS?
I've been thinking about it a lot lately, because apparently it is "Yippee kiy yay" day at school on Friday.
Which means that Pop has been saying "Yippee kiy yay Mr. Falco!" all week.
Note: while trying to find a clip of Die Hard as shown on Dinner and a Movie, I realized that everyone refers to TBS' terrible dubbing of the line as 'Yippe kiy yay Mr. Falcon.' But I stand by Mr. Falco at least on the version that we watched back then--gotta be in '98 or '99--because we have been saying Yipee kiy yay Mr. Falco ever since. Or even if we're wrong--Mr. Falco is funnier.
I fondly remember Paul Gilmartin sounding so mystified afterwards:
"What? But...Who is Mr. Falco?"
Sadly I can't find an archive that lists the recipe they made that night. But any show that made 'Obi-Wan Cannoli' during Star Wars and 'Can't Go To School, I Falafel' for Ferris Bueller is okay in my books....
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