Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Ah, there's that Christmas spirit

Took the day off yesterday to finish Christmas shopping with DH. (He's actually off all of this week. He made us all bacon and eggs for breakfast today, and we're currently enjoying the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. Very difficult to drag myself out of here to go to work today.)

When we were lined up at Costco, the person in front of us got into a heated discussion with the cashier about wishing people Merry Christmas.

"I heard that at Best Buy if you wish someone a Merry Christmas, you'll get fired."

"Everyone is so worried about offending someone..." BLAH BLAH BLAH

And so continued the conversation that we've all heard a million times.

But my favourite was the customer's parting thought:

"Well, I'm going to say Merry Christmas, and if someone doesn't like it, they can plug their ears!"

Yep, that's the spirit of the season all right.

However, I will try to put that particularly unpleasant woman out of my mind and focus on the positive.

I will instead choose to embrace my friend D's daughter's summary of Christmas:

"It's a time to be free and take off your pants!"

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