Thursday, 22 September 2011

That was graphic

Last night we got to talking about belly buttons. Which then turned into a discussion of babies being on the inside, kicking, hanging out, whatevs.

Then E jumped up and said:

"Yeah, and then it's like on our birthday, we woke up that day and said 'We gotta get out of here!' and then we were like..."

And she proceeded to lie down between two of the beds, grab the rails, and start sliding herself forward along the ground, making what can best be described as a 'KWSK KWSK' noise.

I can't wait until she remembers that it was a C-section and she re-enacts that. I picture some sort of jack-in-the-box pop out, with a jazz hands finish.


  1. Oh my god, you are hilarious!

    How old are your three bundles of joy now?

  2. That would be awesome! Now where's that bowler hat...?
