Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Super Family

Last night E envisioned a whole set of comic book superhero personas for our family.

She, of course, is Animal Girl.  Her outfit will be pink, with paw prints all over it. I don't know if I ever caught what her super-skill is, but I assume it has to do with communicating with animals. Or saving them. Or miming to them.  Have to get back to you on that one.
S will be Smart Girl ("because she thinks she knows everything"). Her outfit will be blue, with an exclamation point on her chest. She will be 'like Velma on Scooby-Doo.'
K will be Craft Girl. Any craft that she makes will become real and we will be able to use it when fighting bad guys ... 'like a big super hero gun that we can shoot the bad guys with ... or a pepperoni if we get hungry." Her outfit is green. Dunno what's on her chest.  Bottle of glue maybe?  Googly eyes?
Pop will be Building Man, with the ability to fix anything. His outfit will be orange, with a hammer on the chest.
I will be ... wait for it ... Computer Girl. "Because you're on the computer so much." My super-strength? Apparently, because of my over-developed typing fingers, it is the ability to poke people in the face.

Worst. Superhero. Ever.


  1. A-ha! So you're the one who's responsible for the Facebook Super Poke!!
