Friday, 19 February 2016

I blame Gina

It's a well-documented fact that I love 70's (and 80's) AM gold.

So it should come as no surprise that when Total Eclipse of the Heart came on the radio yesterday, I was in The Zone.

What you don't know is that I am taking singing lessons from a wonderful teacher here in town named Gina.

I am loving the lessons, and while I may not have reached, say, Patsy Gallant status, I have noticed a huge improvement since I started.

So I blame Gina for the fact that I was really nailing the song, which was of course supported by video-worthy arm movements, a LOT of emoting, and some hair flips thrown in for good measure.

It was during one such hair flip (at a red light) that I glanced in the rearview mirror and made eye contact with one of the two gentlemen in the car behind me, smiling broadly.

So I blame Gina, but they can thank her for an entertaining drive home.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Too soon!

We went bowling yesterday.

I sprang for a super healthy lunch (french fries and a pop).

I kept reminding the girls to use the little wooden fork thingies when eating the fries, so the bowling balls wouldn't get greasy.

After several reminders, it also occurred to me that there was another concern:

"Guys, please use the forks...after you've had your hands on the balls, you don't want to touch your food."

And there was a pause.

And the girls looked at each other and at the floor, and tried not to giggle.


I am not ready for them to get ball-related humour.

Mostly because it means that I'm going to have to rethink my whole repertoire.