Oh, and the optometrist gently suggested that the next time I get a new prescription, we will probably be looking into bifocals. He really was very sweet about it. Which is the only thing that prevented me from slapping him senseless.
So, the glasses.
DH said, "They look a little hipster-esque!"
I laughed and went on with my life.
But then a few days later, he said:
"So! Do you like your new glasses?"
Which, for those of you who don't speak husband, means:
"I don't like your glasses."
But I assured him that I do, and continued to go on with my life.
But now I think he might be right about them being hipster-esque.
I was walking to the bank the other day, when a full-on hipster exited the building. Plaid shirt, flat hat, horn-rimmed glasses which may or may not have contained prescriptive lenses, bow tie. I even thought, "What kind of bow-tie worthy event is this hipster attending at 4 o'clock on a Sunday?"
But here's the thing: the hipster looked at me, then looked away....then looked again. As if he were momentarily confused. Like the glasses were a code that we had silently exchanged, but the mom jeans, running shoes and fleece hoodie were sending a completely different message. Were I twenty years younger, perhaps I could've been wearing them ironically. But no, I really was a mom going for a walk in comfy shoes on a chilly day.
So I apologize to anyone who has been similarly confused by my new eyewear. Perhaps I will start wearing them on a chain or perched on the end of my nose in order to avoid further misunderstandings.