Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Weird things they have said (lately)

Me: <singing a song from Jesus Christ Superstar>

K: Remember when we watched that movie together?

Me: Yes. I remember you hated it. Well, you hated the woman playing Mary Magdalene.

K: Yeah. She was weird. <pause> <lowered voice> I think she was hitting on Jesus!


DH: Why is that plate on the floor? <no answer> How did that get there? <no answer> Why is that plate there? <no answer> How did that happen???

Child: You want to know how that happened? You want to know how that happened? I'll SHOW you how that happened...

<swiftly and decisively puts pyjama pants on her head>

<end of conversation>


Child playing with her 'stuffies' and talking to them (quietly, to herself) while we get everyone ready for bed.

<bear flies through the air>

Look, it's flying bear! 

<bear does a little dance>

Look, it's dancing bear!

<holds bear's arms out, and his head falls forward and to one side>


Look, it's Jesus bear!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Never assume

K lost a tooth yesterday.

This morning when I woke her up, I thought this would be a good way to get her out of bed in a hurry:

"K, go see if the Tooth Fairy came! I wonder what she left for you!"

Her response:

"Mummy, my tooth fairy is a boy, that's offensive. His name is Eddie."

Monday, 9 September 2013

Important pop culture instruction

One project we undertook for the summer was "watch all of the Harry Potter movies."

We're down to the Deathly Hallows, and we watched part 1 on Saturday night.

The girls are into it, which I love. Occasionally I have to give them a heads up before things get really intense...and I've thoroughly prepared them for the fact that things get really crappy before they eventually get better. In the movie the other night, when they were getting really stressed out about Bellatrix, I was glad that I was able to soothe their minds by telling them that she gets hers, from Mrs. Weasley no less, and that, if memory serves me correctly, Mrs. W calls her the 'b word.' But I should point out that I was the only one who was misty-eyed when Dobby took one for the team! Am I raising a bunch of automatons??

Anyhow, after the movie finished, and for reasons I can't fully explain, we started listening to music, and somehow ended up playing Bohemian Rhapsody.

And again, for reasons that completely escape me, but which seemed quite reasonable at the time, DH ended up doing an epic, emotionally raw, sometimes acrobatic, occasionally awe-inspiring interpretive performance (I was going to say dance, but that would be a bit much) to the song.

Personally, I was dying I was laughing so hard.

The girls on the other hand were less than impressed.

We quietly sang "any way the wind blooooooooooows.....", the gong sounded, and there was silence.

And then K announced:

"I may vomit."

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Yep, they're mine all right.

Although the first story also relates to the fact that S is our little Italian girl, taking after DH's heritage with her love of all things pasta, olive or cheese-related... But it's also a well-known fact that I talk with my hands. A lot. In fact, someone once said, after watching me from across the room, "Jeez, if we cut off her hands, she wouldn't be able to say a word!"

So, S and I were out for a walk/bike yesterday. She was riding, I was trying to walk quickly enough that she wouldn't end up falling over every two minutes.

She launched into a story about a particularly beautiful front lawn that she saw once, but she was having trouble describing it.

Finally, she said, "Mummy, I'm going to have to tell you when we get home. I can't describe something and ride my bike at the same time--I need my hands."

This one definitely shows that these children are mine, all mine.

Going out to dinner the other night, we were discussing whether or not DH knew where he was going.
E piped up helpfully:

"You know the one, Pop! It's right by the LCBO."